Elena Zoe

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My journey with astrology so far

It's been quite an intense time the last month or so in terms of cosmic events, starting with the eclipse on Christmas day, followed by the Venus gate right after, then continuing with the full moon eclipse that took place three weeks ago on Friday, followed by the mega Pluto-Saturn conjunction that happened two days later..I’ve found it quite hard to follow up rationally with what has been happening, as I’m still quite new into the astro reading world, but I have to say, I’ve definitely felt the shifts that have occurred with all these events.

I’ve never been big on astrology, and my feeling is that this applies to most people. When I was growing up the only thing I knew about it was those morning tv shows that had a section with some astrologer going through the monthly signs; it was generally depicted as something silly, with everyone I knew perceiving these people as fake; the collective notion of astrology in my environment at that time was that it was all superstitious nonsense.

And here I am, at 32 years old, after a university degree in engineering and a successful career in business tech, having dropped all of that for practices around universal consciousness like kundalini yoga, sound healing and channeling intuitive wisdom.

I’ve been a little hesitant to post about this as a lot of my network consists of people from my previous life; having said that I’m feeling more and more inclined to unhide and show myself to the world along with everything that has been happening for me lately around my perception of energy, consciousness and the cosmos.

I know very well how coming from a scientific background, that in common perception, anything that talks about energy or intuition in non-scientific terms is usually immediately deemed untrue or ‘woo-hoo’, and I’d really like to smash that limited perception as I find it to be absolutely false and manipulating.

The truth that I’m experiencing the last few years that I’ve been on this path of self-knowing is that unless you allow yourself to feel and open up to the idea of a universal cosmic consciousness and our place in it, it’s just never going to ‘make sense’. And that is why the paradigm of our current times ruled by scientific mentality is so adverse to anything that isn’t explained according to its own limited language - equations and numbers. I don’t want to put all science in the same bucket, as there is a lot of new science lately that recognises the interconnection of all life and the concept of frequency and vibration as the base of everything - like eastern esotericism, plus ancient and indigenous cultures have known for millenia.

I personally love reading about the intersection of spirituality and science and I feel that the times we live in are super potent in terms of the birth of a new paradigm that recognises that intersection, and I’m so excited to see what the future holds around that. There’s a myriad of great books on this subject that I’ve come across, and I’m sure so many others that I haven’t, if you have any recos please share! A few of my favourites so far have been Tuning the human biofield by Eileen Mckusick, this book really opened my eyes to the science of the electromagnetic field of the human body and how our memories and experiences are stored in our field and how we can heal ourselves with sound and intention - yes having an aura is totally true and there is a lot of scientific evidence about it, read this book, I assure you. Also, if you want to go deep in geeking out about the science of thought and intention, the book about it is the Intention Experiment by Lynne McTaggart. This is a science research study after study of what we know in terms of the nature of the universe and how our mind power relates to all of it. I mean, it’s truly fascinating, but quite heavy reading as well, so if you’re not very science-y it’s a tough read.

In the meantime, I’ve been opening myself up more and more lately when it comes to the movement of the stars, and particularly that of the moon, as it has direct day to day influence on our bodies, moods and energies. This is a factual truth, and people have known this for a long time now; the phases of the moon not only impact us, but also the planet, as we know causing the ebb and flow of the oceans for example. Aspects of agriculture, fishing, and any other industry that works with nature deals with this impact by organising around it in various ways.

I started shifting my awareness towards the phases of the moon about two years ago now, and that was primarily around looking for ways to heal my menstrual problems. Like the waters of the ocean, the moon cycles affect our cycles, and although this wisdom has been somewhat forgotten in modern times, it is lately making a huge comeback. More on this on another post specifically on how I healed my menstrual pain, but for now I will say that becoming more aware of the moon cycles has helped me to be more intimate with my cycle, and that has led to some incredible healing breakthroughs lately.

In terms of my own astrology map, or the birth chart as it is called, this is a lot of information and it has felt quite complex for me to know well. You can get your own chart using your date, time and location of birth online and it can be very insightful. For me, the stuff I found out when I went deep into my chart rocked my world big time. Understanding more of my signs apart from the obvious one, and the only one I knew then, the sun sign, which is the sign the sun was at the moment we are born, like the ascendant or rising and the moon sign, was a huge eye opener for me in understanding and accepting myself more.

As an Aries sun I’ve always seen myself as a super strong and direct initiator and leader, but the truth is that I haven’t always been that. I’ve also been super sensitive and highly emotional, and for my whole life I couldn’t understand why such a strong-willed and independent Aries would feel like this at times. That was until i found out that even though my sun sign is in Aries, my rising sign (which represents my inner personality) plus my moon sign (which rules my emotions) are both in Cancer! Now Cancer is the most sensitive and intuitive, watery and feminine sign in the sky, and knowing this made so much sense for me, and it helped me to understand my inner world and embrace my nature so much more. In all honesty, understanding this was like an awakening for me, it was like my entire perception of who I am has changed into a fuller and more complete picture.

Now next to the basics - sun, rising and moon signs, there are so many other aspects of your birth chart according to every planet and which sign they’re in (every planet represents certain aspects of ourselves), and which house these planets and signs fall into (every house indicates different aspects of life) and the whole mandala of all this information is like your own cosmic blueprint with which you came into this planet. It’s really fascinating stuff, and if you don’t know this info you can get onto costar or the thepattern and start reading about it because it can really enhance your understanding of yourself and what is happening in your life.

At the same time, I don’t go crazy about astrology; I have noticed some people talking about the stars and what’s happening in the sky all the time, and talking about events in their lives always according to that. While I believe the energies of these cosmic movements are absolutely affecting us all the time, I like to spend more time living in flow rather than constantly trying to explain everything according to what’s happening in the sky. Having said that, major planet movements can have a truly paralysing effect on our bodies, minds and emotions, and I can attest to that after this January wolf moon and eclipse in Cancer that happened two days ago now.

The cosmic events affect us all but they do affect us differently according to our own individual birth chart, which is totally unique to us, and the people that were born exactly at the same time and location, which I guess they’re not so many. This full moon eclipse that took place in Cancer directly correlates to my planets, ascendant and moon in Cancer, meaning I’m more likely to be affected by this eclipse energy than perhaps someone with no planets in this sign. And oh girl did I feel that big time…

It was two days after I was back from NYC and well under the jet lag spell. Joren had just left for the week on a work trip and I was alone at home trying to wrap up things from the trip and start on the mountain of things to do that had lagged due to our holiday. A dip in our financials, due to slightly lower than expected business coming in the last few weeks, all the expenses from the trip which were quite high, plus some large payments that had to be made soon, they all came together in my mind and I started spiralling down into a very dark abyss of low self-worth, extreme lack and crippling fear for the future. All these emotions are not new to me, I’ve always been afraid of being broke, or growing old and being poor due to the lack mentality of my home while growing up. Not having enough money and being afraid of what the future holds is a typical doomsday state of mind for me, and I can recognise it very well. When it couples up with feelings of self-doubt is when things go downhill, and this time it was so severe that I felt physically in pain. I felt deep unrest in my heart centre, and my body was pulsating, almost vibrating in the frequency of fear. I went to bed and I couldn’t sleep; while laying and being in my mind, I made the conscious decision to go into my body. I started feeling my body and all the sensations, the pulsing of my skin, all that unrest coming from my heart and out through my vibrating skin. At that point I knew I just had to go through this, I had to feel what I was feeling, allow it, see it for what it is, which is programming of my subconscious, that the energy of the full moon was literally bringing up to the surface.

The next morning I woke up feeling like s***t, still feeling all these emotions big time, all the unworthiness, the fear, the lack. I couldn’t get up from bed until 10am; eventually I pushed myself up, changed my clothes into my morning practice attire, and started with my kundalini morning practice. Within 3-4 kriyas I started feeling noticeably better, lighter, more positive, by the end of my practice I was back to feeling great. I took off my clothes, dry brushed my body allover and then jumped into the cold shower..whoohoo!! And that was it, I felt so amazing, so energised, so ready to take on the whole world. And crucially, I got so clear about what had happened to me the night before, why I felt so bad. It made sense to me that what I felt was subconscious programming and that it had nothing to do with my reality of here and now. Yes it is a time our financials are not in their best shape, but we’re really far from being in a bad place. I realised how all this fear and lack I felt was simply not real, but self-imposed from self-limiting thought patterns that were triggered with me being tired, lower than usual business and that deep Cancerian eclipse that confronted my whole being.

This is the second time I consciously felt the impact of a cosmic event so vividly, the first being last summer when the two eclipses were taking place in the month of July - which is the sign of Cancer. Oh my, the summer for me was like near hell..even though Joren and I were staying in a beautiful island house in Greece overlooking the big blue, we had such a rough time together, we almost didn’t make it..I had to run off to LA to practice some kundalini yoga to get straight followed by a 2-week medicinal plant in the Peruvian Amazon, LOL but true, so true.

It’s not always possible to know what it is that you’re feeling, and what it is triggering that; like for example if it is cosmic events, or other things that are happening in your life, but having an idea of what is happening and linking that to your process can be very supportive during tough times. It is better to attribute your negative patterns to the moon, rather than internalise them and keep feeding them with more of your emotions, plus once you recognise and become aware of your emotions, being triggered by some pattern you can take action in making yourself feel better by a)accepting them, b)feeling them, c)allowing them to pass, with love, grace, and gratitude. This is the alchemical process that we’re all capable of, letting our internal energies flow out and transform into insights, positive energies and emotions like love and gratitude.

The more attuned you are with your body and emotions the more you will feel these changes; for me this is happening more and more lately as I become more sensitive with energies around me. I attribute that to my regular kundalini yoga practice.

Some tips for working with the moon energies:

i) Track the moon cycles | know when a full or new moon is coming so that you can anticipate any changes in the way you are feeling, and therefore spot them when they do happen. A great app I use is moon.

ii) Eat light | on full and new moon, the body goes through a lot of detoxification and so it helps to facilitate that natural flow with eating less, or even fasting. I like to eat greens on those days, and I follow the green cleanse.

iii) Moon bathe | this is a beautiful and very healing practice, as the moonlight is very cleansing and energising, and it also balances out our hormones; I got to do that totally naked under the full moon while living on the Greek island of Tinos last summer while dancing, the joy of living in a house in nature..take me back..but not during eclipse season please.

iv) Go inward | on full and new moon, spend some time going inward, engage in some kind of meditation ritual where you can get quiet and listen to what your higher consciousness and the messages there are for you to receive. Revisiting your intentions for the coming time, what you want focus on expanding or letting go is a great way to start getting used to working with the moon cycles.

Event coming up:

In March, on full moon Sunday the 8th in Amsterdam, I’m offering a 2h workshop on practicing utilising the cosmic energy flow and the power of therapeutic sound to refine your purpose and power up your vision for the upcoming cycle.

For more info and how to book go to the events page.

If you’d like me to come to London for this workshop fill in the form here to let me know.


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I am a former Googler reborn as conscious living advocate, transformational mentor, conscious business advisor, yogini, sound healing practitioner and workshop & retreat facilitator.

I help people connect to their authenticity and harness their innate power so that they can manifest the life they truly desire through individual sessions, group events and retreats.

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