Elena Zoe

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Miracles in the making

How did it happen that six months ago I was living a lockdown hell in a tiny apartment surrounded by noisy neighbours and now I’m just loving the second lockdown in my beautiful new home that I got to renovate from the ground up in an area I absolutely love to live in?

How is it that some years ago I lived a life that was draining me, commuting in trains and working in offices, and now I’m completely free to work and live how I choose for myself?

How is it that back then I used to think that there wasn’t any other way other than work for companies realising other people’s visions, and now I get to create and bring my own true vision into the world?

How is it that I used to experience excruciating menstrual pain, taking boxes of painkillers every month, hating my own body for giving me so much suffering, doctors telling me that ‘I’m absolutely healthy’ but no one could help me....and now after fifteen years of pain I’m able to connect with my body in a way that I even enjoy this time of the month.

How is it that my old single self who believed that my happiness, completeness and success in life was dependent on the one who chose to be with me, has turned into someone who is now living a beautiful, mutually elevating and totally enriching conscious partnership with a man so great I didn’t even know men like him existed!

How is it that I used to believe that my upbringing, experiences, people and circumstances in my life determined what I could or not do, and now I see a path of unlimited potential lying in front of me?

How is it that my life has turned around with so many MIRACLES?

First things first, I took responsibility for my power as a force of creation, both of my own suffering and my happiness.

I trained myself to believe there was a better way, that I could do, be, have, deserve, be worthy of more.

I changed my habits and with that the way I thought about myself, others and the whole world around me.

I worked hard to peal off the layers of conditioned thinking, wants, shoulds, and whatnot to uncover my authentic soul code and true desire to fulfil that purpose.

I made space for miracles to come into my life.

What miracles do you want to bring into your life?


What is going wrong? What could be better? What would you like or need that you don’t have in your life? What is draining you? What gives you life? How much of it do you have in your life?


Put your time and energy reserves towards your goals, save your time and energy from things that deplete you even more. Where intention goes, energy flows; use this universal principle to accelerate your growth and see what you want to come to you faster.


Surround yourself with likeminded, supportive and elevating company. Those with a different mindset will consciously or unconsciously try to take you down.

Get support

The more resources you can give yourself the faster you will realise your goals. Invest in yourself first, and every else will follow.

Keep the energy up

Move, dance, sing, shake, sweat, share, shout, write, speak up, create, EXPRESS yourself in whatever way comes natural to you.


“Miracles arise from a miraculous state of mind, or a state of miracle-readiness” (ACIM)

Believe it is possible to have whatever you wish for yourself.

Then set off to go get it!


Welcome to my online portal!

I am a former Googler reborn as conscious & self-aware living advocate.

I’m a speaker, writer and coach passionate about helping people live their best lives by tapping into the Source of their truth, power and true desire.

I offer individual mentoring and online programs, and I lead transformational expeditions in nature.

Read more about my story here.

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