Elena Zoe

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9 steps to create your Vision for 2021

How many times have you set new year's resolutions that you've failed to realise? There’s a funny stat somewhere that says something like, most people don’t even do one day of what they say they will for the year. I believe it!

Here are some very clear reasons as to why this happened in the past:

· your intentions were based on what you thought you should do, not what you truly desired to do

· your intentions weren't clear enough - your goals need to be specific, measurable and within a timeframe

· you were not clear on why you wanted to achieve your intentions / goals

· you didn't truly believe you could achieve them

· you didn't create a plan to help you get there

All and all, what you missed by just jotting down a few to-dos for the year, is a v i s i o n of yourself having what you desire.

Here’s how to create a powerful vision for 2021…

Step 1 · Picture yourself in ten years time

Who do you want to be? how do you want to live, feel, experience life like?

are your dreams your own or for someone else definition of happy? what are you truly longing for in life?

Go into a meditative state when you do this - which means close your eyes, get comfortable and allow your mind to relax.

When the brain slows down in activity, we are able to access more parts of our awareness and consciousness. It’s more likely you will channel your true deepest desires this way rather than repeat the programming your conscious mind is telling you you need to be doing in line with everyone else’s expectations.

step 2 · Think of all areas of life

A common mistake people do when envisioning the future is to only think of one to three areas of life like career, or family. But it’s really important to consider the whole range of your living experience, and create goals for how you want your life to be on all levels.

Because if you don’t, then chances are that at some point down the road, something will be missing, and you will be looking to fill that need with something else unconsciously. Like for example, if you haven’t considered your social life, your friends and community, you may end up looking to fulfil that need for connection through your relationship, which may put extra pressure on it as a result.

You want to be as conscious as possible about your needs, so that you can choose how to use your time to fulfil them as you wish.

step 3 · your 3-year vision

Once you have a clear picture of how you want life to be in ten years time, then you make an early version of this vision by thinking about how your life would need to be in three years time in alignment with that ten year vision.

What are the things you need to have achieved or become in order to be on the right track towards your long-term vision?

Whatever your three year vision looks like, it has to be believable, and at the same time make sure it is challenging so that you have to stretch yourself to make it happen. Growth comes when we are challenged to grow, otherwise why put yourself in discomfort? (your subconscious will say)

step 4 · your 1-year vision

What do you need to have achieved in one year to get closer to your 3-year vision?

List all the things you want to have by the end of the year.

Then circle the ones that would have you wake up early and stay up late with excitement to do.

step 5 · write down your why

Why does this matter to you? Why is it a must for you to achieve these goals within a year?

How is your life going to be better if you achieve these goals?

Take each of your one year goals and write down your answer to these questions.

You need to have clear positive and life-changing reasons in order to train your mind to do things that are difficult, challenging or new.

step 6 · identify the challenges

You want to set yourself up for success, and so it’s valuable to be conscious of the things that may put you off track in the process of going after your goals.

What are some of the things you would need to do that you don’t like?

With enough passion you can achieve anything but you need to be prepared for the things you don’t want to do in order to achieve your goal, so that when the moment comes you won’t be surprised and give up.

step 7 · take immediate action

What is one small thing you can do right now for each of your goals this year to start the momentum going?

step 8 · identify your focus areas

Now from your list of your one year goals, group them in 3-4 categories max - these are the life areas you’re going to focus on this year.

step 9 · Come up with your top outcome for each area

Write down your top outcome in each one of them as your 2021 main goals (3-4 max).

And this is how you create a clear, concise, motivating, energising, and authentic vision for your life in 2021.

For those of you who are committed and want to follow a proven process to create your vision, I created the Envisioning 2021 online.

Envision 2021 guides you through a 7-step process to create the most aligned and exciting vision for the year with clear, specific and actionable outcomes that you can immediately start working on. 

It also gives you a clear implementation strategy on how to put your vision into action.

The final bonus module includes daily tools for the year to support you in turning your vision into reality!

What you'll get:

  • 7-step process to create your Vision incl 2 x deep hypnosis meditations

  • Implementation strategy guide incl planning sheets

  • Managing your state & creating magic

  • 4 x daily tools & practices incl hypnosis meditations, breath-work, and daily planner sheet

  • Bonus: 1-month complimentary access to the Home Practice portal & community.

Access for one year from purchase. 


Hi, and welcome!

I am Elena Zoe, a former Googler reborn

as conscious & self-aware living advocate.

I speak, write and coach with a passion to help people create their best lives by tapping into the Source of their truth, power and true desire.

I’m particularly passionate about teaching tools and strategies to thrive through business creation and expansion.

I coach one-to-one and through online programs, and I lead transformational expeditions in nature.

Read more about my story here.

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