Elena Zoe

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Let’s talk about Money

Last month I made 2 times my old monthly corporate salary (from my 6-figure job) from my coaching business alone. 

I'm still not making as much as I made back then annually, but then again it's been less than a year since I started earning money from coaching. 

Here's why I’m sharing this with you.

99% of women I talk to who want to quit their jobs and become entrepreneurs say they just want their freedom, and to do what that gives them a sense of purpose. 

When it comes to money, most say nothing, and when asked, the vast majority say that they haven’t really thought about it or that they just want to make enough to be able to have 'a decent' living. 

They're prepared to take the pay cut, in exchange for their freedom to use their time as they wish. 

But here's the thing. It doesn't have to be one or the other. 


You can have more money AND more freedom. At the same time. 

This is possible when you embark on entrepreneurship. 

Women, much more than men, seem to be 'ok with having just enough'. 

This is very problematic and it keeps us stuck in our income potential for the following reason. 

If you say (and believe) that you're happy with a little, then that's what you're going to get. 

Just a little. Because that's what you're aiming for. 

It's that simple. It's not wrong, it's not bad, it's just what it is. 

I NEVER said that I was ok with just enough. I ALWAYS wanted MORE.

This got me from getting paid near minimum wage as a graduate age 23 to 6 figures at age 30 at my last job. 

That's because I kept pursuing my desire for more.

Now, of course, there was more to it than just the amount of money to make, and when the time came I realised this path wasn't serving me and my wellbeing. 


A few years later, I'm well on my way to making as much as before with these keys differences:

I work 3 days a week on my coaching biz, for no more than 5h per day. I use the rest for other business or creative projects and my personal development and self-care. 

I love my work, and my clients, I'm excited to get up in the morning and dive into it

I serve as a force for good, helping people create their best lives. 

I have infinite possibilities to earn more and serve better through my business. 

I use my unique talents and get to grow the way I want through my work and this helps me get better in what I do every day. 

Here’s the thing. 

The more I earn, the more I can serve. 

The more I earn, the more I can give away. 

The more I earn, the more I spend on things that matter. 

The more I earn, the more I can create work opportunities by employing people. 

If you want just enough, and you feel happy with that - meaning you’re not triggered by this post - you’re doing the right thing for you

But if you want more, please know THAT IT IS OK TO WANT MORE, and the more you accept that the more chances you’re giving yourself to make it happen.  

Becoming an entrepreneur means you’re entering a new vortex of possibilities where your efforts can have a direct impact on your earnings, in a very short amount of time. 

So when you think about quitting your job, add into the mix the incredible infinite potential of making MANY TIMES MORE what you’re making right now. 

Want to know how to rock your first year in business in client impact and income?

Join me for my upcoming free masterclass on How to Rock your First Year in Business as a Service-based Entrepreneur on Monday, Feb 28th at 7pm GMT.

Send me a dm at @elenazoe__ to get the info on how to join,

and come be part of my private FB community for Driven Women Launching Aligned Businesses.