Your mission is not something that you choose, it chooses You
When I was at university, I think, it was when I learned for the first time some business fundamentals, like how companies create a certain vision, and choose a mission statement and everything they do sort of revolves around that.
So in my mind, as I understood it, it works like this:
You find a product or service that solves a problem, and then you figure out what part it plays within the grand scheme of things, so that you can market it and sell it well. Of course it was all about making the most money possible, that’s what my young mind got from the whole thing.
In many ways business works like this of course, and it has for a long time.
But when it comes to starting your own business as a heart-led, conscious change maker wanting to make a difference in the world and help people (as opposed to just make as money as possible), I believe it works in a different way.
Unfortunately we do have these examples of how it works for companies, and that’s what we have learned right.
And so we think that we just have to choose what we do, we have to choose our mission statement. We see that a lot with the bog standard 'I help..' statement which is meant to give some structure and clarity, I get it, but it's also making everybody look the same, and perhaps takes away from the deeper why, as it focuses so much on the ‘what you do’ and ‘what you give’.
Your mission has chosen you already
What if it's like the other way around, and I believe it is, what if your mission actually chooses you.
Doesn’t that give you a sense of huge relief to think that, as opposed to you having to figure it out, and you taking all this responsibility to ‘get it right’?
Oh how much I feel this myself, my whole life I was terrified that I was getting it wrong. That there must have been something wrong with me that I didn’t know where the heck I was heading in terms of direction and career. Sure I was doing a lot, and from the outside it looked as if I was doing great, but on the inside it was a different story.
It was when I actually stopped trying to figure it out that the breakthrough happened.
It was when I decided to let go of trying and surrendered to the unknown of what wanted to emerge from within. It was like I opened my arms wide, and said - I give up trying, universe, do whatever you want with me, I give up!!
What happened in that moment was a huge shift of creating space for my inner guidance to come through.
I started listening, and following, step by step, still ‘not knowing’ necessarily, but following my intuition nevertheless.
And oh boy the path it led me down, still blows my mind to think about it!
Some years on and my life is totally unrecognisable, on a personal level and on a business level.
I can fairly say that I’m living the life of my dreams - when I’m envisioning my future life now I’m actually deepening more and more into what I already have, it’s not some wild totally different thing anymore. That surprises me and it doesn’t as the same time. I’ve done so much work to be where I am today. I’ve allowed all this to come to me, little by little.
What is my mission? Literally to disseminate the learnings of my own journey towards creating the life and business of my dreams on to others. It’s that simple. My mission had chosen me all along, and I just had to go through the journey that she led me on all this time.
Your mission is forming gradually and in layers
It’s not that I’m saying that your mission is one thing and it stays like that, I don’t believe that. Mission evolves as you evolve, and that can be radical. My mission has transformed as many times as I have, and that’s been a lot in the past years. The more layers of myself that I open myself up to, the more layers of my mission are being unveiled to me.
It comes through in all my decisions, in all my choices, from what modality to study next, to who I want to serve in my business, what offerings I want to create. How I want to show up and stand for what I believe in in the world.
Expecting it to be a certain way, or to come at a certain time - that’s just not how it’s been coming through for me. Because what I’m building is completely and utterly unique, it comes from the deep within. There is no timeline or standard formats there.
No one brings anything like what you have to bring, because no one is You
One time a client of mine asked me ‘if she should do some market research to see what her competition is like’ - she was working on launching her business mentoring for conscious creators.
Again, the examples of business-as-usual trickling into our minds as strategies and tactics that we have to employ in order to be successful. I remember I told her - if you were launching a dish washing liquid brand, yeah I would say doing some competitor research would help, right. Dish washing liquid is the same thing as another. How much can you possibly innovate?
What you have to bring as someone who wants to make a difference in the world, to help others rise in their power and true potential, now there is no innovation to be done here. You are already the most novel thing, you are already the most unique thing there is. You just have to see it, you have to answer the call, take the invitation and dive deep within to make space for it to come through.
That is your mission, to bring into the world what is coming through the unique divine and inimitable vessel that you are.
->> 16 November I offer a free masterclass
to support you on how to connect to the heart of your mission from a deeply anchored place within.
I’m going to share with you 6 powerful shifts stemming from my personal journey and that of my clients towards embodying your true leadership potential and bringing your mission into the world.
The most challenging thing about connecting to purpose and your unique mission is to trust that what you are feeling deep down in your core is real, and even if you can’t put it into words, yet, it is guiding you towards embodying your truth and your highest potential.
And that is the core intention of this masterclass
This work is deeply meaningful to me and I’d love to share some of it with you during this masterclass.