Winter Solstice Ceremony

21 December 2022 · 8pm CET

Online on Zoom

Join in to celebrate

the darkest day of the year and the return of the light

in a complimentary 60min online gathering.

What we will do:

come together in a warm nourishing space

guided meditation

intuitive movement practice

set powerful intentions


 Join the ceremony for free

 Hi! My name is Elena Zoe

I’ll be guiding this ceremony for you on the darkest day of the year.

In the last few years I have transformed my life in ways I never thought were possible. I’ve welcomed in a deep sense of purpose, freedom and joy that have profoundly changed the way I work, live and I’m being of service. All this happened because I decided to let go of what didn’t serve me, and follow my hearts desires.

None of this would have been possible without cultivating a practice of regularly connecting to the deepest parts of me, and this has been immensely facilitated by following the patterns of nature.

Ceremony, or else, tuning into a space where I can be free to be who I am, without judgement, without ‘shoulds’, or wearing any mask to make me look or be agreeable, inspired by nature and the cosmic movements, has been my way of coming to wholeness.

I would love to share some of this with you.

Join me on the 21st Dec to dive deep into the dark and welcome the light. See you on zoom!