Burnout · what next?
I recently wrote about my own burnout story and how burnout is not just exhaustion from overwork, but a symptom of the chronic loss of sense of self a lot of us have endured growing up in a culture that doesn’t allow us to be ourselves, but rather forces us to fit into societally-accepted moulds.
In other words, burnout is a crisis of self-identity.
The way burnout shows up can be different for each of us. The signs are always there, but can be ‘invisible’ until they actually start manifesting in the body itself. I suffered internally, emotionally mainly, for many years without being aware of the reason. Until at some point the suffering became so much that it started showing in my body as a nervous system shutdown in the form of panic attacks.
For others it may show up as an autoimmune disease, an injury or unexplained pain. It can be anything that basically makes you stop from doing what you’re doing. This is a way the subconscious uses to protect the system from the overload of unconscious tension that is being put on it.
Some of the signs can be ignored for a while. For years I used to have very bad sciatic pain on my left side to the point that it hurt when I walked on some days. I didn’t know what it was, or how to get rid of it. I kept going to therapists trying to get rid of it, but it wasn’t until I quit my job that the pain simply disappeared. The pain was a sign of tension in my body that was showing due to the daily stress and pressure of leading a life and career that didn’t resonate with my heart and soul.
If I knew what I know now about how the poor energetic boundaries we keep for ourselves eventually can manifest as discomfort in the body in some way (pain, disease etc.), perhaps I would’ve been more intentional about looking at the state of my life and making conscious decisions.
Eventually, the constant pressure of stress, fear, negative thoughts, self-doubt, self-criticism, chronic guilt, and the lack of soul nourishment, creativity and meaningful, intimate connection with myself and people around me, led me to breakdown in the form of panic attacks.
In a way, having this breakdown was like a blessing in disguise because it literally forced me to stop. It was also a huge flush of stuck energy. I remember in the first few days after the most severe incident I felt completely empty. No thoughts, no needs, no desires, nothing. Just empty space. It was a little weird, but at the same time it was so relieving, so calm, so peaceful, that for the first time in a very long time I could just be.
If you’re feeling a burnout coming up, like as if something is approaching that feels like early signs, here are a few things to look out for.
Early signs of possible burnout
· you are in a constant mode of doing, feeling like there isn’t enough time in the day or year for everything that needs to be done; your to-do list is ever-growing and you feel like constantly needing to catch-up
· you are irritable and snappy too often, even multiple times a day; you feel like there is always drama going on in your life, with people, and situations around you always attacking you or wanting things from you that you can’t or don’t want to do
· you feel like you aren’t doing as well as you should, that there is always more to accomplish all the time and you never feel you can pause to really appreciate the fruits of your efforts so far and celebrate your journey as it is, there’s always more and never enough
· you are always tired, you have little energy to do things and everything feels exhausting - people, things, places. It’s like everything around you is sucking away your life force, and you don’t have a way to replenish it
When you experience the above for a prolonged period of time, crash is eventually imminent. It’s simply too much for the body-mind system to handle.
Energetically speaking, experiencing a crash is a way forward. When you hit rock bottom the only way is up. A blessing in disguise. Better this than simmering in suffering for much longer - believe me.
Having said, you don’t have to crash if you detect the signs early enough and you are willing to do something about it.
Here’s some ideas on how to move forward when you feel like you are on the verge of a burnout, or when you are experiencing a rock bottom as a result of a burnout.
How to move forward from a burnout
Either you have experienced a breakdown caused by burnout, or you’re feeling it coming reading the above signs, know that it’s ok and that you can and will get through this.
The next most important thing to know is that none of what is happening to you is your fault, or that you caused this on to yourself in any way. This is not a time to judge yourself about what you could’ve done better or differently.
In the end, we are where we are, and when a moment like this comes, it’s important to be able to approach it with Grace. This means taking it on with a positive attitude that shows self-respect and dignity. Focusing on recovering and how you can move forward is what matters now; putting more pressure on yourself in the form of coulda-shoulda-woulda (remember the song?) is the last thing you want to be doing.
Some of the things that helped me get through this time of my life:
i · stop everything you’re doing (apart from the absolutely necessary, your job etc.); set clear boundaries; say NO to anything that doesn’t align with your serenity; protect your energy; create space energetically and physically, clean/declutter your house
ii · allow yourself to rest, recuperate, do things you love, take a moment to enjoy the moment, go to nature, replenish your energy with yoga, sound, healing practices
iii · read books that are supportive for this transition, go into your trauma, open your heart and feel the feels, purge the stuck energy, forgive yourself, let go of any grudges and any emotions that are lingering that aren’t serving a purpose
iv · go back to your values - what is important to you? what are you about? how can you serve? what nourishes your soul?
v · take inventory - how is your life currently, is what you do, the way you live aligned with your values? what doesn’t resonate, what needs to go? how can you make life simpler for you right now?
vi · create a new vision for yourself - what is the life you want to live like? who do you want to be? what joys you want to experience? how do you want to feel when you are ten years from now? what qualities and life wisdom do you want to have developed?
vii · take action - according to what you want your life to be in ten, then three years time, what do you need to have done in one year, six months, that will take you closer to your goal? what is one thing you can do this month to move you towards the direction you want to be in?
Important tip ·
It will help you immensely to have some support to lean on during this time. Maybe it’s a coach, or a women’s group, supportive friends or family - if you have them.
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I am a former Googler reborn as conscious & self-aware living advocate.
I’m a speaker, writer and coach passionate about helping people live their best lives by tapping into the Source of their truth, power and true desire.
I offer individual mentoring and online programs, and I lead transformational expeditions in nature.
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