Your desire is your soul’s roadmap. Here’s how to follow it.

Are you living your life from fear or out of desire? Are you doing things that help you expand or contract? Do you feel alive by the thoughts of your desires or do you feel scared and uncertain of the future?

For a long time until a few years ago I 100% lived out fear and contraction. I did the work that I thought I could only do out of fear that I couldn’t do something I really liked, I had the social circle that I happened to have out of fear I couldn't have any better, I was saying yes to relationships out of fear that there weren’t better candidates out there.

Does any of this resonate with you?

One of the most pivotal moments of my life came when I decided to do something that I never had done before, driven by pure desire. 

In 2016, after a few years of somewhat of a downward spiral in my life that peaked (or bottomed rather) in 2015 with heavy heartbreak and some health issues, I decided I had enough with the way I was living. 

This decision was a massive letting go of sorts and instant shift. This can be the power of choice.

For the first time I listened to the voice that was coming from deep within, a voice that was saying - I want something new! 

A desire to experience something I had never experienced before. 

I couldn’t put it into words, other than - I want to climb a mountain, or I want to go to the jungle. 

I ended up on a mountain indeed. Only naked in -21 deg practicing conscious breathing and mental focus. At the time it was just a crazy thing that I came across, little did I know that it would change my life

This experience opened me up to a whole new way of seeing myself, everyone, and everything around me. My awareness expanded to see what I couldn’t see before. That so much more is available to me than I thought previously.

I got in touch with my power. 

My desire then became about following this new way of seeing life, making it my reality in flesh and bones, not just in my head. It led me to take the plunge and leave the safety of my job to explore myself through purpose-driven entrepreneurship. 

A few years later and now that desire for freedom has turned into a desire for mastery.

As I’m growing my business following my pure longing for serving others through the same medicine that helped me create a more authentic life, I’m called to deepen into this part of the journey.

What I can now see is that at every step of the way, my life has been transformed just by following this desire.

Trusting it, letting it take me where I need to go, even if the road ahead seems uncertain. 

Every step of the way, I have got what I desired. 

Inspiration, freedom, now on my way to mastery of my mind and body as I create my new reality as a thriving soul-led business owner.

How to move through fear and follow your desire

Shifting from fear to following your desire takes some practice and a good dose of letting go of previous patterns and worldviews. For some of us this may come as a crisis, for others, it’s just a feeling or unstoppable urge.

Whatever it is, however hard it may see, you got to make the choice to follow it. Trust it. From here…


It starts with - what are you desiring the most?

Most people I have come across in my life have never even thought of this question before. We are bombarded with what we should want all the time, it’s not surprising that we have lost touch with what we truly want out of life.

Do this short practice: sit quietly for a moment, close your eyes, take a couple of deep breaths in and sigh it out. Relax, let go of your thoughts. Tune into your heart centre, place your hands on your chest and breathe into your heart. Feel your heart’s energy field being activated, you can do this by focusing on your heartbeat. Now ask yourself, what do I truly desire from life at this moment? Maybe it’s freedom, maybe it’s more love, more connection, inspiration. Let your intuition speak to you through your heart, this is where your inner guidance lies.


Are you listening to that voice or are you pushing it away?

It is possible that we are all picking these messages, but we consciously or unconsciously decide not to follow them and push them away. This is when we make excuses about how things aren’t that bad, and how life is ok at the moment. We’re only delaying the inevitable as if you’ve got the call it will be impossible to ignore it without some kind of turmoil appearing in your life at one point down the line. Get honest with yourself, what have you been postponing? What dream, longing, persistent idea or pure desire have you been avoiding?


What is it costing you to not listen?

Let’s be real, if “it’s not that bad”, and how bad are you willing to endure before you decide it’s time to really do something about it? How many years are you willing to let life go by not following your desire?

What are you giving up on by doing this?


What would be your most desired outcome?

This is the fun part, and one that most of us avoid out of fear it will never happen. Let yourself go wild on imagining what you really want as if it was real, right here and now. How would this reality look like? How would your life be if you had what you desired the most? This is your most compelling future, and having a clear idea of it will help you to want to pursue it! Don’t shy away from imagining your most desired outcome, life is images of the mind expressed.


What action can you take right now that will move you closer to this outcome?

There is always something you can do, no matter how small that can move you in the right direction. From this expanded place of imagining what you desire, make the commitment to take one step forward, ideally every single day.

If that means committing to a practice that will help you become a better version of yourself, committing to a plan that will change your life by the timeline you set, reaching out for support in the form of a coach, daring to do something you’ve never done before as a way to get something you never had before.

This is the time to do something about it.

Your desire is your soul’s roadmap.

Listen, follow, and trust. You’re going to get what you’re after every step of the way.

Ps. it is possible that your desire is being blocked by intense emotions that you haven’t felt in a long time. I’ve worked with clients who came to me wanting to connect with their purpose and desire, but first, we had to do some deep inner work to remove some stagnant energy that was blocking these pathways for them. This can be in a form of a relationship rift, something left unsaid or undone calling you to be completed, or anything left unresolved that is taking your energy. Do you feel it’s hard for you to connect to your desire? What emotions could be there that you’re not allowing yourself to feel?

Has this been helpful to you? Send me a message here to let me know.